IB Exams

Tips to score 45 points in IB Maths

So, you need 45 points to pass your IB maths class. If you are ready to put in the time and effort necessary over the course of two years to fully benefit from the IB Diploma Course, then a perfect score is well within your reach.


Hear me out;


Here are 10 main scores identified mainly basing the subject maths to score 45 points. 


Try to remain competitive by learning new material.

In other words, you may rapidly review all you’ve studied so far and plan forward for what you’ll be studying in the next months. Doing a SWOT analysis with your grades can help you prioritise your time and effort so that you may improve your Maths scores while still giving your weaker courses the attention they need. We promise that if you start working on your assignments right away, you won’t have to stress out as much later on, and your grades will improve as a result.

Please read the subject content carefully. 

At the start of each term, students are provided with their subject’s curriculum as well as any necessary textbooks (in mathematics, we have algebra, number patterns, trigonometry, and triangles, etc.).


Act in a proactive manner.

Getting good grades in maths may be difficult and calls for initiative. So, what does this entail?


You should be able to self-evaluate your academic achievement and take corrective action as necessary to ensure you stay ahead of the curve. Reactive learning occurs when students rely on external stimuli, such as deadlines, to motivate them to study or complete assignments. While reactive learning is not inherently flawed, it does lack initiative.


Don’t underestimate TOK’s potential.

It’s normal to feel a little unprepared for the TOK tests when you’re a first-year DP student. The stuff you are studying for TOK may not seem all that relevant at first. In a nutshell, yes they are!


Your critical thinking will greatly benefit from the study of TOK since it focuses on the processes through which one acquires, organises, and applies information.


Start the Extended Essay early.

Yes, the IB Extended Essay is a vital part of the Diploma you should be utilising to prepare for your future, namely for your undergraduate research projects. Most current IB students believe they must focus their Extended Essay on the same field of study they want to major in at college. In this regard, I’d like to point out that this assumption is not always correct.


Calculate the proportion of IA.

You can’t escape the looming shadow of the IB Internal Assessments; unlike the TOK, CAS, and EE, your marks in each subject’s Internal Assessment count toward your overall IB Diploma Program grade. The IA often accounts for 20% of your total score out of 7  in maths.

The learner’s portfolio should not be ignored.

When studying from your own notes, you’ll have a far better grasp of the material. Your notes may be incomplete or someone else’s if you don’t retain a learner portfolio (even if it isn’t assessed).


Learn to efficiently manage your time.

Throughout the duration of the DP program, not only during the time you spend writing each separate test for your external evaluations, time management is crucial. But don’t let it be an excuse to stress yourself out by worrying about the time all the time.

Here’s why you should ask for help.

No matter how well-prepared you are, you may still struggle to do well in certain classes or on some parts of the overall curriculum.


Hire a tutor or register yourself on the pathway to success


Another option is to hire an IB tutor who can provide you with honest, unbiased assessment and instruction in the areas where you believe you need it the most. For instance, you may sign up for a short course or hourly tuition here at Tutopiya to refine your abilities outside of class and acquire that additional edge that will drive your grades, and our qualified instructors and mentors will guide you according to the rubrics.


Click the link below to join Tutopiya today and book your free trial session: 


Good luck studying!!!

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